Ecology is an interesting topic in Biology. I started to love this topic while doing my first degree at University Science of Malaysia, Penang. Although I was majoring in Botany, I took several courses related to Ecology as elective courses. I got the chances to study ecology at several ecosystems including tropical rain forest, mangrove forest, river, island and beach. Having the chances to travel by speed boats to Larut Matang Mangrove Forest at Perak and Merbok Mangrove Forest at Kedah and a marine police ship to Pulau Payar at Langkawi Island, were unforgetable and fascinating experiences. While exploring the different ecosystems and travelling to the places, my love to ecology developed as well.

      Now, as a lecturer to  pre-university students, I am not sure how to develop interest on my students to ecology. Having very strict syllabus and very limited time and budget has limited our outdoor activities. Hopefully one day, some of them will have the chances to feel the same experiences as mine at the university with other lecturers.

Ecology - part 1

Ecology - part 2

 Ecology - part 3

 Ecology - part 4

Ecology - part 5

Carbon cycle 
(Retrieved from Biology: A global approach (11th edition))

Water cycle 
(Retrieved from Biology: A global approach (11th edition))

 Phosphorus cycle 
(Retrieved from Biology: A global approach (11th edition))

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