Saturday, August 8, 2020

In for a for a pound!

(Mari belajar Biologi dan sebarang mata pelajaran menggunakan peta konsep)

         Biology is a subject that studies living things scientifically. Biology is extensive and contains many abstract and microscopic Science concepts and processes that make it difficult to learn effectively in a short period of time. Students also have problems visualizing and thinking at molecular levels. As a result, misconceptions can occur in students if they are only taught based on the information and rigid diagrams in the textbooks. Therefore, teaching aids based on the latest technology such as computer animation and is needed to visualize processes that are not visible to the naked eyes or difficult to explain to students in the classroom.

         Concept mapping is another technique in teaching and learning science and non-science subjects to build meaningful learning and aids conceptualization. Concepts in Science do not exist in isolation but are interconnected with each other to give meanings. Students can build connections between concepts by building their own concept maps. During the process of constructing a concept map, the organization of concepts and the construction of propositions is an iterative process. Students who build concept maps will make continuous analysis, a kind of higher-order thinking skill. They thought of finding the best connecting phrases to reflex the relationship between the two concepts. Inappropriate connecting phrases will be replaced with better alternatives. Concepts may be added, removed or replaced. These processes allow students to capture and retain more concepts in their cognitive structure.

        To share my knowledge and skills about concept mapping, I wrote and published a digital book titled PETA KONSEP. It is in the Malay language as the target audiences that I have for the time being are Malaysians. I think this is the pioneer book about concept mapping in Malaysia. It can be bought online from My Website. You are free to read a preview for 10 early pages of the ebook from the website. It is sold at RM20.16 (USD5.04) after a discount of 28% from RM28.80 (USD7.20). In that digital book, I explain the background and the detailed steps to create accurate concept maps from a crush. Hope you will buy one and gain as many benefits from my sharing.  

Do not hesitate to visit my website now from the link

Do not hesitate to visit my website now from the link

My PhD thesis