Following diagrams showing the stages of mitosis dan meiosis which were taken from Campbell et al. (11th edition) (2018) published by Pearson. Thank you very much to the authors and to the publisher. I ask permission to share the diagrams here for my students' and readers' use.

(To explain about mitosis, focus on Prophase only)

(To explain about mitosis only, exclude the cytokinesis)

(To explain about meiosis only, also exclude the cytokinesis)


  1. Mind Map ni dulu kita baca, kita buat sendiri, tp sekarang cg tolong buat kat depa.

    1. Sorry, these are not mind maps. These are all concept maps. Mind mapping technique which was proposed by Tony Buzan is much different from concept mapping technique which was proposed by Joseph Donald Novak. To do concept mapping, one must learn its principles and regulations. Students even teachers cannot simply do concept mapping in the way they like. I donate my skills, my time and my energy to create these concept maps to assist my students in their learning as well as to reduce the burden of the open minded teachers.


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